ILS students visit graphic design exhibit

ILS international students, together with their English language teacher and CAS coordinator Marina Kutepova, recently visited the VGUES Museum and Exhibition Complex to see the exhibit "Make paper your co-author", dedicated to World Graphic Design Days.

During their visit, our students saw creations by Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian artists and designers, including Kamata Yukiko, Yamanada Akio, Yamasita Tomohisa, Pen Su, Neil Armstrong, Marina Davidovich, Natalya Takamatsu, Gennady Rudenko, Natalya Lichmanyuk, Yevgeny Pashchenko and others.

"Getting acquainted with the work of artists, musicians and architects is an important part of the CAS program," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "This idea can be broadly interpreted to include all kinds of activity connected to art, from observing the works of others to creating works of your own."

ILS students visit graphic design exhibit ILS students visit graphic design exhibit ILS students visit graphic design exhibit

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