ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke

ILS 6th graders studying Japanese, together with their teacher Olga Podsvirova, visited an exhibition of the Japanese fund "Contemporary Netsuke", consisting of miniature wooden sculptures and dedicated to Japan Year in Russia. The exhibition was organized jointly by the VGUES Museum and Exhibition Complex and the Japanese Consulate.

The new Contemporary Wooden Netsuke exhibition began its road trip earlier this year in Hanoi, followed by this visit to Vladivostok, attended by our students.

"Learning the language of a country goes hand-in-hand with learning about its culture," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Our students do everything they can to immerse themselves in the traditions and special features of the countries whose languages they study: they visit museuams and exhibitions, go on excursions and even take trips overseas."

ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke ILS 6th graders learn about netsuke

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