Literacy Day 2018: What qualities do you need to be successful?

ILS is observing International Literacy Day in collaboration with UNESCO. This year's topic is: What qualities do you need to be a successful student? We note that ILS has been a member of the International Literacy Association since 2014.

ILS 10th graders gave a presentation in English for students in the sixth and seventh grades to help them prepare this year's topic. Now, the younger students will discuss with their teachers what these necessary qualities are and create posters illustrating their conclusions.

"In our modern world it is very important for every person to be literate" says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "The world is changing and to be successful, you must continuously upgrade your knowledge. To achieve this, it is crucial to keep studying and learning new things."

 Literacy Day 2018: What qualities do you need to be successful?  Literacy Day 2018: What qualities do you need to be successful?  Literacy Day 2018: What qualities do you need to be successful?  Literacy Day 2018: What qualities do you need to be successful?

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