ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!

ILS is continuing its “Recycle batteries – save the planet!” campaign, in conjunction with the company EcoStar Technologies. ILS students have been actively recycling various types of batteries, depositing about five kilograms worth into the school's designated green container.

The project was initiated last year by environmentally-minded 11th graders, who joined the nationwide battery collection project “Protecting our hometown’s environment.”

“It is very important to understand that, even as it provides us with new opportunities, civilization also presents certain dangers,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “It is vital, therefore, to know how to make the best use of its bounty without causing harm. Hence, our battery recycling project, which is now in its second year.”

In 2017, ILS took part in the 3rd Far Eastern Youth Environmental Film Festival “EcoMovie”, where the ILS animated clip “About batteries” won the grand prize.

 ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!  ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!  ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!  ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!  ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!  ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!  ILS students: let’s protect our planet together!

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