Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS

For the seventh straight year, students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University in Xi'an, China have come to ILS for teaching practice. Over the next month, these future teachers of biology, physics and dance, as well as the Chinese, Russian and English languages, will learn about Russian teaching methodology and the individual approaches used by ILS teachers when preparing and conducting classses.

"We are very pleased that  Shaanxi Pedagogical University values the practical experience their teaching trainees receive at ILS," says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. " I am certain that our young colleagues will receive a great amount of new knowledge and skill, which will serve them well in their future work."

The teacher trainees' traditional first meetings with students and their homeroom teachers went smoothly as always, with the visiting teachers receiving their schedules and attending their first classes.

Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS Vladivostok - Xi'an: seven years of cooperation. Shaanxi Pedagogical University students begin practicum at ILS

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