ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn

After reading some of Homer's lines and couplets, ILS 5th graders expressed their admiration in verse of their own creations.

"It turns out that the road from Ancient Greek mythology to the beauty of Primorye's autumn is only a few small steps," says ILS Russian Language and Literature teacher Natalya Gaiduk. "It was wonderful to see the students so inspired."

"Their poems and lyrical creations are quite beautiful," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Creative response reinforces what the children have learned and helps them understand how to apply their knowledge independently. I wish our students success in their future creative efforts."

ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn ILS 5th graders wax poetic in Primorye's golden autumn

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