ILS students visit Pacific Meridian Film Festival

ILS 9th graders studying Japanese and French, along with their Japanese language teacher, Olga Podsvirova, and their French language teacher, Yelena Poddubnyak, attended the Pacific Meridian Film Festival, where they watched the film "The night I swam," a joint Japanese-French production.

"The film, which was completely without words, shows a situation where children on their way to school or coming home from school can face various kinds of problems," explains Olga Podsvirova. "The main character's mind is filled with various ideas and imagined stories that make him lose his way. He is frightened when he finds himself alone, and finding his way to school is no easy task."

"Although this film is only 79 minutes long, you can catch the essence and enter the mind of this Japanese child awash in snow drifts," continues Yelena Poddubnyak. "We felt great empathy, and waited to see how the story would end."

"ILS students visit museums and galleries, and enjoy special cinema events, which reinforces the knowledge they receive and provides new insights," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko.

ILS students visit Pacific Meridian Film Festival ILS students visit Pacific Meridian Film Festival ILS students visit Pacific Meridian Film Festival

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