Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions

The third day of International Week was sports day, and not just any sports but the traditional sports of different nations.

Our students and their teachers spent the day enjoyably at the school stadium, playing national sports and games of Russia, China, South Korea, France, the Netherlands, and Japan.

"Regrettably, many games with age-old histories have been forgotten," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "They were passed along from generation to generation and reflected the best national traditions and therefore are very instructive for our students."

Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions Third day of International Week: enjoyable games and positive emotions

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