ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors

ILS 6th graders had a creative lesson on the subject of metaphors. The students were divided into two teams and competed using their knowledge and understanding of the topic.

As homework, the students prepared written answers, riddle pictures and dioramas. The quality of their work was assessed by a panel of judges that included Russian Language and Literature teacher Galina Korotkonozhkina, ILS Deputy Principal Marina Artemenko, and 6M2 student Savva Reshetnikov.

The 6th graders took a very serious attitude towards their preparation for this creative lesson, and many of them "encoded" their metaphors so effectively that their classmates had great difficulty guessing the answers.

"We thank the students for the work they did," says Marina Artemenko. "Today we covered many interesting metaphors, with the score very close between the competing teams and all the students receiving high marks."

ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors ILS 6th graders show how to "play" with metaphors

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