“Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders

ILS 5th graders competed a the "Fun starts" relay race, a sports event in which the students' parents and home room teachers also took part, with everyone testing their dexterity, speed, resourcefulness and team work.

"Sports competitions in the form of games are very useful for our students," notes ILS PE teacher Raisa Soroka. "It shapes their sense of  camaraderie and healthy competition."

This swell of positive emotions should get the students charged up for the coming autumn holidays.

“Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders “Fun starts” for ILS 5th graders

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