ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest

As part of the adaptation project for ILS 5th graders, the students had a quest around the school, culminating in their formal initiation into the ILS community.

ILS teacher and psychologist Irina Osetskaya explains: "We include the school quest in the adaptation project because it helps the children feel like a real team."

The 5th graders found themselves immersed in virtual reality and to make their way back they had to complete a number of tasks:

1) find small stars hidden in the corridor of the school's first floor;

2) walk as a team across an improvised  bridge with their eyes blindfolded, with one of the students guiding the others by voice;

3) unravel a knot of arms without breaking it, using only their hands to manipulate.

For the quest, 10 separate areas around the school were designated, finishing with the children's initiation as fully fledged members of the ILS community. The students repeated the school pledge and received gifts, with each section taking a diploma for victory in a particular category.

ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest ILS 5th graders participate in School Quest

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