ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress

Valentina Kovaleva, who teaches Russian language and literature at ILS, spoke at the All-Russian Congress for teachers of Russian literature, which was held on November 7-9 at Lomonosov Moscow State University, bringing together school and university teachers from around the country. The welcoming speech was given by MGU Rector Vladimir Sadovnichii, who devoted particular attention to Russian philological tradition.

“Russian language enjoys strong demand in today’s world, with new technologies and methods making it more accessible,” explains Valentina Kovaleva, who addressed the congress with a paper titled 'Teaching Russian language and literature in a multicultural setting. Overseas school'. All international students at our school enjoy learning Russian, and they participate in various competitions, where they always perform well.”

“This invitation to present a paper at such an important event in the Russian educational community confirms the high professional level of ILS teachers,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Innovations, a flexible approach to lesson content and conduct, and our interdisciplinary and research projects are a powerful stimulus for our students to expand their knowledge of their subjects.”

ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress ILS Russian language and literature teacher speaks at All-Russian congress

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