ILS student opinion poll: we prefer culinary club and technical professions

As promised during her campaign for office, ILS Student Council President Anfisa Bogdanenko polled 8th-11th grade students of their professional preferences and 5th-11th grade students on their supplementary education choices.

About 130 students took part in each poll, yielding some unexpected results.

“The results for supplementary education opportunities really did surprise me,” Anfisa admits. “I offered the students polled various options such as a computer group, a photo class, a discussion club, and computer lessons, but many suggested a culinary club at their own initiative.”

As for future professional preferences, students leaned heavily toward professions with a strong professional profile.

“The task now is to find an interesting guest, who has achieved professional mastery while climbing the career ladder,” Anfisa explains. “It’s great that so many students took part in the poll and shared their preferences.”

“Our student government has taken its first steps, as the council members hone their skill at organizing extracurricular activities,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “It’s very good that many students participated, answering the questions in the poll and thinking about ways to make school life more interesting"

ILS student opinion poll: we prefer culinary club and technical professions ILS student opinion poll: we prefer culinary club and technical professions

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