ILS students view ancient world

ILS History teacher Marina Sitenkova conducted an unusual lesson for 5th graders in sections 5M1 and 5M3, who together with their instructor visited the Primorye Division of the Russian Artists Union to see the exhibition “The ancient world through the eyes of children”.

The exhibition includes works by students at children’s art schools and art sections at other Vladivostok schools, all linked by the topic: "History of the ancient world". The works on display include portrayals of primeval humans, pyramids and pharaohs, Greek sculptures, Roman legionnaires, and slaves.

“Lessons of this kind are a good way for students to compare their ideas about the past with those of their peers,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Sometimes they agree, sometimes not, but it increases their interest in ancient times, as well as in the customs and traditions of ancient peoples. Lessons at exhibitions give our students a chance to expand their world view.”

ILS students view ancient world ILS students view ancient world ILS students view ancient world ILS students view ancient world

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