ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad

ILS 9th graders Mikhail Zelensky and Lev Novitsky (section 9M1) spent two weeks studying and training at Pacific Programming School at Far Eastern Federal University on Russian Island.

"We studied Olympiad programming - C++ language, for example - to prepare for transition to the programming language you're using," Lev explains. "During the course we learned a new way to write programs, and I hope my future profession will be connected to programming. Maybe I'll write a code that will help solve geometry problems. Besides programming, our work at PPS included debates, where we learned how to defend our views."

The Pacific Programming School IT course is based on the Sirius Education Center model and intended to get students ready for participation in Russian and international IT Olympiads.

"Programming involves building different logical chains that yield a particular result," notes Mikhail. "I enjoy creating logical connections capable of solving various problems. Programming is closely related to music, which has ideals such as harmony. In fact, I can handle logic problems of music successfully by bringing in programming logic."

"Our school encourages supplemental activities and extracurricular educational programs that interest our students," explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "I am sure that the two weeks at programming school served Mikhail and Lev well in their quest for new knowledge."

ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad ILS 9th graders prepare for programming Olympiad

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