Game Club launched at ILS

Game Club, a series of intellectual competitions, has been launched at ILS, with 10th graders as the first participants, fielding questions about history and social studies.

After drawing lots to determine the order of play, the students chose questions from different sectors of the field. The Game Club moderator was ILS History and Social Studies teacher Olga Yarmetova, who read the questions and made sure the players followed the rules.

“After all the teams hear the question, they are given a minute to prepare,” Olga Yarmetova explains. “While the designated team ponders its answer, the other teams can write their answer on a piece of paper, press their lighted button and give their answer to the judges. If the designated team’s answer is wrong, but their competitors’ answer is right, the competitors get the points.”

The winners were the team from section 10M, with 10A finishing second and 10B third.

“This game is an excellent tool for development,” says ILS Deputy Principal Marina Artemenko. “Game Club’s main purpose is to help develop students’ intellect and erudition. Moreover, as it requires teamwork, the game transforms serious intellectual activity into an exciting competition.”

Game Club launched at ILS Game Club launched at ILS Game Club launched at ILS Game Club launched at ILS Game Club launched at ILS

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