Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT

In the latest Game Club competition, ILS 8th graders dueled in a display of physics and IT knowledge.

The moderator’s questions were challenging, the competition between the teams fierce. Both teams were supported by cheering classmates armed with placards.

The supporters even presented questions for their opponents to answer. For example, why did the volume of water in an African lake increase during a drought? Or why do you feel a chill when coming out of a water source even in hot weather?

“Game Club was created to give our students a chance to derive pleasure from their intellectual victories,” explains Deputy Principal Marina Artemenko. “During the game, they demonstrate their knowledge and resourcefulness.”


Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT Game Club: checking our knowledge of physics and IT

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