Cyber-security training continues at ILS

Another cyber-security quest/lesson was held at ILS, this time for students in sections 9M1 and 8M2 and led by Maya Shalunova, who serves as assistant to Primorye Regional Duma Deputy S.A. Sopchuk and heads the federal “Safe Internet” project in Primorye.

“Our quest was aimed at improving students’ Internet literacy,” explains Maya Shalunova. “Trainings like this are useful for school children, as they participate actively in the game and solve problems.”

The winners were a team from 9th grade section 9M1 including Egor Zorin, Mark Boiko, Lev Novitsky, Mikhail Zelensky, Aleksandr Rublevsky, Ilona Khlyustova and David Khachatryan.

“In our modern world, the Internet is an information source and also gives us the opportunity to communicate with each other at great distances. However, it also presents various computer security risks,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Students need trainings like this to learn more about how to protect information and personal data.”

Cyber-security training continues at ILS Cyber-security training continues at ILS Cyber-security training continues at ILS Cyber-security training continues at ILS Cyber-security training continues at ILS Cyber-security training continues at ILS Cyber-security training continues at ILS

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