ILS 4th graders show off their good moves

ILS 4th graders, together with their mothers and fathers, competed in a Christmas checkers tournament organized by ILS chess instructor Diana Regushevskaya.

“Checkers may look like a simple game at first glance, it is actually a very good way to develop memory and logical thinking.”

After the 4th graders’ checkers match, ILS 5th and 6th graders competed to determine who would participate in the regional stage of the Russian School Students Cup chess tournament.

“Chess and checkers are very useful games for school students,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “They develop children’s intuition and sense of purpose, as well as their ability to make correct decisions.”

ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves ILS 4th graders show off their good moves

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