ILS plans to cooperate with Freedom Finance

On January 16, ILS administrators met with the head of the Vladivostok branch of Freedom Finance investment company, Igor Rumyantsev, to discuss possible approaches to cooperation between the school and the brokerage within the framework of the ILS financial education project for older students, which began last year with a series of lectures by representatives of Sberbank.

Freedom Finance took the initiative by proposing that the course continue, as students in the 8th-10th grades showed a strong interest in receiving basic financial knowledge and raising their level of financial literacy. Plans include lectures exploring current stock market realities.

In addition, an agreement was reached on the possibility of a business discussion club, in which older ILS students would use case-studies (real-life examples and solutions) with guidance from Freedom Finance experts to learn about various financial instruments as well as the fundamentals of analytical work using various types of data.

FYI: Freedom Finance is part of the international Freedom Holding Corp, which offers a full range of investment services in Russia and the CIS. Known for its expertise on the Russian and American markets, FHC plays an active part in efforts to improve the financial literacy of young people in Russia.

ILS plans to cooperate with Freedom Finance

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