English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders

ILS English teacher Aleksandra Matyushina held a very unusual lesson for her students. After reading Jonathan Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels", the students divided into teams, with each of them representing a travel agency from the countries that Gulliver visited.

"Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Glubbdubdrib were the countries that the students presented, with each of them choosing the form of their presentation and the winners determined by the audience's vote."

The audience listened to presentations with close attention and asked the presenters challenging questions about the countries they were being invited to visit, before determining the winner in each 7th grade section. In 7M3 the winner was Lilliput and in 7M1, Laputa.

"Non-standard lessons enhance students'  interest in learning," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Creative activities help students to open up and draw them into the process of mastering the material they are learning."

English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders English lesson a real trip for ILS 7th graders

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