Student Council president presents student rating system

A new student rating system is being launched at ILS, beginning with the third quarter of the academic year. The systems was presented to students at a school meeting by 10th grader Anfisa Bogdanenko, who serves as president of the ILS Student Council.

“School life at ILS consists not only of classes, but also of active extracurricular work and activities,” says Anfisa. “Our students take part in ecological events, sports competitions and school concerts, and also do a wide range of volunteer activities. Academic performance is reflected in school diaries and journals, but the new rating system will reflect a student’s performance in non-academic activities.”

The idea for a rating system unrelated to a student’s academic performance was born during the school election campaign in the first semester, with candidates offering their proposals regarding the system as part of their pre-election presentations.

“In the third quarter, we’ll be bringing the system in for grades 5-7, with the older grades to follow in the fourth quarter,” Anfisa explains. “I hope that the rating system will serve as a strong stimulus for students who want to make school life more interesting and rich.”

For detailed information about the new student rating system, please see “Student Council” – “Rating system” at the ILS website.

“Development and implementation of the rating system was part of Anfisa’s campaign platform, and it is very good that the system is now being implemented,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “The system proposed by the Council is understandable, simple and transparent.”

Student Council president presents student rating system Student Council president presents student rating system

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