Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament

Guest lecturers from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Far Eastern Federal University acquainted ILS students with interesting facts from the world of botany and economics.

Dr. Lidia Sibirina, who is an expert in agricultural science and a member of the Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, told ILS 3rd and 4th graders about endangered species of animals and plants living in Primorye.

During the lesson, the children found out how many tigers reside in Primorye and why it is difficult to increase their population. They also found out how Primorye leopards subsist. Dr. Sibirina told the students about the useful qualities of rare plants in Primorye, such as the ginseng, expressing the hope that in time scientists would learn how to synthesize this plant's useful components in laboratories, eliminating the need for people to remove it from its natural setting.

Dr. Maxim Krivelevich, an expert in finance and credit at Far Eastern Federal University, gave older students at ILS lectures on financial literacy, covering topics such as economic sanctions and trade and currency wars.

He explained what sanctions are, how they are used, and who benefits from them. He told students which currencies are used in global payments and explained the rules by which trade wars are waged and how they affect relations among the countries involved.

The second day of Science Week concluded with an intellectual games tournament for our four sections of 5th graders, in which the children answered questions about geography and biology. The competition was intense, and here are the results: 1st place - 5M1; 2nd place - 5M4; 3rd place - 5M3; 4th place - 5M2.

"We always approach the lectures given to our students very seriously, ensuring that the topics presented are of interest and value," explains ILS Deputy Principal Marina Artemenko. "This year we devoted more attention to intellectual games, which the students greatly enjoyed, as they displayed and expanded their knowledge."

Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament Science Week, day two: endangered species in Primorye, economic wars, intellectual games tournament

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