Sports competitions in full swing at ILS

The winter sports competitions at ILS continue, with students currently battling for supremacy in table tennis, pioneerball, basketball and chess.
"Grades 7-9 have already finished their games, and yesterday the team from 6th grade section 6M2 took on younger players from 5th grade sections," reports basketball coach Stanislav Gerasimov. "The 6th graders took full advantage, achieving victory."
The competitions began on January 21, with the results now in for mini-football, pioneerball, basketball, table tennis and chess. Section 6M2 were the winners in table tennis and basketball, while the results in pioneerball were as follows: 1st place - 8M3; 2nd place - 8M2.
"We congratulate the winners and wish them continued success in sports," says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Our school places great emphasis on sports,  and we see that the number of students joining sports groups and participating in competitions increases every year."
Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS Sports competitions in full swing at ILS

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