ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program

The scientific education program "Academy of Ecology" is underway at ILS for students in grades 5-9, led by Tatyana Vshivkova and Konstantin Drozdov. The program is organized with support from the Far Eastern Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Federal Bioeducation Center, the Green Quest organization, and the Far Eastern Regional Division of the International Center for Environmental Monitoring.

During the lessons, the students will acquire knowledge about global environmental problems, learn how these problems are being dealt with in progressive countries, consider how they themselves might participate in the effort to improve the environment, study simple methods for assessing environmental quality, and learn about methods of environmental monitoring and control.

Tatyana Vshivkova explains: "At the lessons we talk with the students about clean water indicators, and I teach them basic methods for determining drinking water quality. When the weather is warmer, we will take ecological excursions and study environmental monitoring using a range of field devices."

The first lessons proved quite fascinating, as the pupils studied river hydrobions under a microscope, learned how to tell if river water is clean, and saw photos of the underwater world made by the talented master Jan Hamrsky.

"With sufficient intensive environmental education, including active participation, we can help create a younger generation that believes their efforts can change the world for the better," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Lessons like these can help change the nation's mindset, giving us young people who will try to improve our world."

ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program ILS students in "Academy of Ecology" educational program

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