ILS 6th graders as TV hosts

ILS 6th graders from section 6M2 , together with their math and homeroom teacher Olga Krotenok, paid a visit to Vladivostok TV and Radio Company, home to the "Children's News" TV program.

"The trip gave them a look behind the scenes at one of Vladivostok's most interesting places," says Olga Krotenok. "The children had a go at being TV hosts while finding out how correspondents and operators do their jobs."

"Children's News" is not just a program hosted by children. Here, children learn how to be comfortable in front of a camera, discover how story lines are developed, and see how videoediting is done.

"It is important at every stage of school life to expose children to a wide range of professions, as this can help them later in life with their choice of career," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "Field trips like this one give students a glimpse of the secrets of different professions and allow them to try them on for size." 

ILS 6th graders as TV hosts ILS 6th graders as TV hosts ILS 6th graders as TV hosts

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