Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions

The traditional 3rd-quarter sport competitions continue at ILS, including matches in football, chess, table tennis, basketball and pioneerball. The most recent winners named were in table tennis and football. 

The chess tournament among 6th graders is nearing its completion, with the results to be announced shortly.

"It is important to instill in children a love for sport and games from their earliest years," says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "It strengthens their physical and mental health, while light competition helps them to understand the idea of team spirit."

Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions Football and table tennis winners determined in ILS sports competitions

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