ILS holds first speedcubing competition

ILS held its first speedcubing competitionwith students in grades 5 and 6 taking partThe event was organized by the company Neocube.

The students’ task was to solve their Rubik’s cube puzzles as fast as possible, with their speed calculated by a special timer that registers hundredths of a second.

A representative of Neocube explains: “First, the cube is given to our scrambler, who scrambles the sections using a special rubric. Then the contestant puts the palm of their hand on the timer sensor, which is activated the instant the play removes their hand and begins to solve the cube.”

The players went through three rounds of intensive unscrambling, spinning the layers of colored cubes at breathtaking speed. The winner, with a time of 26.76 seconds, was Karina Ermakova (section 6M2).

All the participants had fun at the event and were awarded commemorative certificates.  

In other news, 6th graders played the final matches in their football competition, while 8th and 9th graders battled for supremacy in volleyball, with the results to be announced shortly.

“There are countless types of sport,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Each student at our school can choose those types they find most enjoyable and do their best to improve their mastery.”

ILS holds first speedcubing competition ILS holds first speedcubing competition ILS holds first speedcubing competition ILS holds first speedcubing competition ILS holds first speedcubing competition ILS holds first speedcubing competition ILS holds first speedcubing competition

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