Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS

Students from the Far Eastern Federal University's School of Pedagogy were guests of ILS as part of the "Practicum visits" program.

During their day at our school, the student teachers visited classes in the subjects taught in English and were in the audience for presentations given by 7th and 8th graders on the topic "Which factors influence the appearance of new music genres?"

"Integration of basic and supplemental education at ILS is what we discussed with the student teachers at the end of their visit," explains ILS Deputy Principal Marina Artemenko. "We believe this is an important topic worthy of particular attention."

"I wish to thank ILS for this very pleasant and informative opportunity for our students," says FEFU School of Pedagogy Director Oksana Martynenko. "I think our students would be pleased to return to ILS after graduation as professional teachers."

"In our view, this cooperation with the FEFU School of Pedagogy is very important, as are the visits by student teachers," notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. "It gives future teachers the opportunity to see how we conduct classes at ILS, in this case, subjects taught in English. Our visitors observed how students and teachers interact, which we hope gave them useful ideas for their own future professional work."


Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS Student teachers from FEFU visit ILS

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