ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball

The ILS sport competitions are nearing their end, with the students battling to determine which teams are the best.

The basketball results will be reported later, but the results in pioneerball were as follows:

1st place - 5M1

 2nd place - 5M3

 3rd place - 5M2

  4th place - 5M4

"Team sports are very useful for the students" notes ILS PhysEd teacher Raisa Soroka. "They teach children to communicate and understand each other when working together, which is very important in any class." 

  ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball   ILS sport competitions continue with games in pioneerball and basketball

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