ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy

Sports competitions are an excellent way for ILS 10th graders to relax after classes, with the students meeting most recently on the basketball court.

“The competition was interesting and dynamic,” reports basketball coach and Cultural Studies teacher Stanislav Gerasimov. “Each team did its best to prevail, and the level play was very high.”

The results of the basketball competition were as follows:

0a – 1st place

10b 2nd place

10m 3rd place

Before their basketball battles, the teams competed in football, where they gave everything they had to defend their goal and attack the opponent.

The football results were:

10b – 1st place

10a 2nd place

10m 3rd place

“It is excellent that the students themselves initiated these sports competitions,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “We try to devote sufficient attention to athletics, and team sports are particularly good at teaching teamwork, mutual support, situational control, and the ability to understand each other without words. I congratulate the winners and wish everyone further success in their sports endeavors.”

ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy ILS 10th graders battle for basketball supremacy

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