ILS rating system plan expanded and finalized

The student rating system developed by ILS Student Council President Anfisa Bogdanenko was launched in the third quarter. Every month, Anfisa analyzed the participation of each student in grades 5-7 in school events, taking into consideration their contribution to the event’s success, and drew conclusions.

“We decided to test the rating system in the 3rd quarter with students in the 5th through 7th grades to see how it works in practice,” explains Anfisa. “We found that the ‘coefficient of activity in the information sphere’ does not work with our students and decided to eliminate it while adding supplemental components to the ‘event level coefficient’. We also added participation by our students in non-school events, including city, regional, national and international.”

The revised plan includes a “Rating Сommittee”, which consists of students who participate in compiling the monthly ratings. The Student Council also reached the conclusion that at the end of each quarter, the Rating Committee will present its results at a school meeting, indicating what criteria were in their assessments.

“The rating system enjoys strong demand among our students,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “In the fourth quarter, the system will be applied to students in the upper classes. Clearly, the third quarter results were quite useful for those in the younger grades.”

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