Regional subject competition: three champions and four prize winners.

The results for the Dubinin Regional Subject Olympiad for School Children have been announced.

ILS students were among the champions in geography and chemistry, and among the prize winners in English, Russian, history and chemistry.

“I fully expected that Maksim and Semen would be among the winners,” says ILS geography teacher Irina Kholoden. “Their thirst for knowledge goes far beyond the academic program, so their victory does not surprise me in the least.”

This year eigheen ILS students participated in the Dubinin Olympiad, with six of them among the champions and prize winners.

“We are always pleased by our pupils’ success in academic competitions,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “We congratulate the students and their teachers, who helped them to prepare for this great challenge. We hope that every year, the level of their expectations and achievements goes higher.”

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