“Children instead of flowers”: funds collected for Children’s Cardiological Division

A special program “Children instead of flowers,” conducted jointly this year by ILS and the Vladmama Charity Fund, has been successfully completed. Funds collected during the program will be spent in support of children undergoing treatment at the Children’s Cardiological Division of the Regional Center for Specialized Medical Assistance.

“Receiving financial support for our charitable work is always a pleasure,” says Olga Romanova, who serves as Vladmama’s president and editor-in-chief of the organization’s web portal. “Even small donations can help save a child’s life, and we thank ILS for their efforts in the special program to collect funds for our youngest patients.”

“We are grateful to the parents who participated in this charity campaign,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Our school holds constructive social projects on a regular basis, including volunteer work and charity fairs. We consider it an honor to help people who need our aid.”

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