“Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University

ILS and Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) have begun a joint program called “Greetings, Vladivostok,” which is the school’s first project with one of Russia’s leading universities.

Deputy Director of the MSU Institute of Russian Language and Culture Valery Chastnykh and his colleagues Senior Instructor Yulia Ruzhikh and Senior Instructor Yelena Yaffe will be giving a ten-day Russian language course for students from Japan, South Korea and Sweden on a range of topics, including “Getting acquainted,” “Meet Vladivostok,” “Family,” “Free time,” “Russian art: theater, music and ballet,” “Vladivostok today,” “Education in Russia. MSU,” “Traditions and customs – trades, souvenirs and holidays,” “National cuisine,” and “Travelling around Russia.”

Valery Chastnykh explains: “Our intensive Russian language course for foreign students is one of our many programs. We have worked with university classes on Sakhalin, but this is our first time in Vladivostok, and the move was by no means accidental. Our colleagues at ILS have enjoyed great success in their efforts with foreign students, with ILS graduates choosing to enter undergraduate programs at MSU every year.”

From September 9-19, ILS’ foreign guests will be treated to visits to the theater, art galleries, various historical sites, the Oceanarium, and the Pacific Meridian international film festival.

“We are pleased to welcome our colleagues from MSU to our school, along with visiting foreign students and teachers,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “The efforts to teach the Russian language to young people from Japan, South Korea and Sweden speak volumes about the desire for harmonious cooperation between our peoples. ILS is an international school, with students from Russia, South Korea, China, India, Japan and the Netherlands, all of whom are learning Russian. I hope that everyone participating in the ‘Welcome, Vladivostok!’ program enjoy their time in the capital of Primorye, as well as their visit to our school.”

“Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University “Greetings, Vladivostok!”: ILS launches joint project with Moscow State University

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