Twenty kilos of used batteries collected at ILS

The “Turn in batteries, save the planet” campaign continues at ILS, organized jointly with partner company EcoStar Technology. By September, our students, parents and teachers had turned in 20 kilos of used batteries of various types and sizes.

“All the batteries collected will be sent to a special site for burial,” explains Ivan, a specialist with EcoStar. “Disposing of them properly is just as important as collecting them. We are planning to start processing used batteries in the near future, separating the reusable parts from the rest.”

“ILS students and teachers try to take a responsible approach towards the environment,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “In addition to collecting used batteries, we have stopped using plastic cups at the school. It should be noted that our long-term ‘Turn in batteries, save the planet’ project was initiated by ILS 11th graders in 2017.

Used batteries can be quite dangerous, as they contain toxic materials such as metals and chemicals, which can harm the environment if the casing is destroyed. This is the third year of used battery collection at ILS. A special container for this purpose is located on the first floor of the school, and we encourage all members of the ILS family to use it for responsible disposal of these items.

Twenty kilos of used batteries collected at ILS Twenty kilos of used batteries collected at ILS Twenty kilos of used batteries collected at ILS

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