Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum

Over the next month, students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University (China) will be studying teaching methods and teacher-student interaction at ILS. For the ninth straight year, students from Shaanxi have come to our school for this purpose, and this year’s group includes future teachers of the Russian and English languages, mathematics, chemistry, music, art, and physical education.

In addition to lessons, the practicum includes an extensive cultural program: excursions; visits to theaters, concerts and museums; and master classes on traditional Russian attire, Gorodets painting, and Russian gastronomic traditions. As always, the student teachers will also be participating in International Week, which takes place during the second week of October.

“Interaction with experienced colleagues from Russia will definitely help these students with their pedagogical development,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Thanks to the skill and professionalism of ILS teachers our students are always prize winners during the All-Russian Olympiad for School Students, receive high marks on the Russian national exams, and are victorious at competitions at various leading Russian institutions of higher education. I am certain that our visitors from China will discover may interesting methods of conducting and preparing lessons, which they can later apply as teachers at Chinese schools.”

Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum Students from Shaanxi Pedagogical University come to ILS for teaching practicum

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