ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills

ILS 5th graders wrapped up their work on the topic “Folklore of Ancient Rus” with an interesting lesson. Russian Language and Literature teacher Galina Korotkonozhkina assigned them the task of creating and illustrating their own fairy tale.

“This kind of lesson helps the children to think in images, to compose and develop fantasies, and to acquire public speaking skills,” explains Galina Korotkonozhkina. “Before this, we did something similar on the topic of mythology, with 5th graders drawing illustrations for myths that they like.”

The students read their tales aloud on topics including magic, home life, and animal stories. Among the most popular was a tale by Arseny Zubkov (section 5M2) about a square kolobok (doe ball), which you can see in stores as Podolsky bread.

“Teachers at our school do all they can to spark our students’ interest,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Students master material and feel freer when working in groups.”

ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills ILS 5th graders sharpen their story-telling skills

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