Safety upgraded at ILS

The first stage of the ILS security camera system enhancement program has been completed. A total of four stages are planned.

“For the first stage, we installed 10 new cameras on the first and second floors,” reports system administrator Vyacheslav Yaglinsky. “In the second stage, we will add cameras on floors 3-5.”

ILS is intensifying its already strong commitment to safetyIn addition to 123 cameras, the school has an Access Control Management System that tracks movements and makes it possible to prevent unauthorized persons from entering school territory. Also, the school closely monitors its fire extinguishing and warning systems.

“At ILS, we try to ensure not only high-quality education, but also a high level of safety for our students and staff,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “We check all our systems on a regular basis, and also hold practice evacuations and safety training lessons.”  

Safety upgraded at ILS

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