ILS 6th graders and “Another bad mark”

ILS 6th graders, together with their homeroom teacher Svetlana Rechitskaya, visited the Primorye Picture Gallery where they had a lesson on Fedor Reshetnikov’s famous painting “Another bad mark.”

The students were told about the painting’s history and, with guidance from the gallery curator, discussed the work’s contents and meaning.

“The picture was painted in 1952 and is an important part of our country’s artistic heritage from the 20th century."

“It is very useful for our students to have lessons in galleries and museums,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Classes away from the usual school setting can give them a different perspective on new knowledge.”

ILS 6th graders and “Another bad mark” ILS 6th graders and “Another bad mark” ILS 6th graders and “Another bad mark” ILS 6th graders and “Another bad mark”

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