ILS 6th grader wins gold medal at Vladivostok boxing competition

ILS 6th grader Dmitry Golyanitsky (section 6M2) took first place in the Vladivostok Boxing Championship for children born in 2006-2009. 

Dima’s other strong performances in city and regional competitions include a second-place finish during the previous school year at the Primorsky Region Open Championship “Youth of Russia” and a first-place finish at Vladivostok Victory Day Boxing Championship.

“We congratulate Dima on his victory,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “We hope that he will continue to reach new heights, remembering that achievements in sport are, first and foremost, victories over oneself.”

ILS 6th grader wins gold medal at Vladivostok boxing competition ILS 6th grader wins gold medal at Vladivostok boxing competition

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