Parents of ILS international students attend Gorodetsky painting master class

During International Friendship Week at ILS, there were master classes for adults as well as students, including a master class on Gorodetsky painting for parents of our international students. Under the guidance of art teacher Yelena Belyaeva, the participants learned techniques for colorful painting on wooden boards.

“Gorodetsky painting in Russia, particularly in the Volga region, involves colorful decoration of various household items made of wood,” explains Yelena Belyaeva. “The basic colors are light blue, all shades of dark blue, pink, shades of red, green, black and white.”

“Our International Week program was designed for parents as well as teachers,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Parents of our international students had an opportunity to learn more about a popular type of Russian folk art and create souvenirs with their own hands.”

Parents of ILS international students attend Gorodetsky painting master class Parents of ILS international students attend Gorodetsky painting master class Parents of ILS international students attend Gorodetsky painting master class Parents of ILS international students attend Gorodetsky painting master class

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