ILS 7th grader best in age group at regional fencing tournament

ILS student Timur Serdyukov (section 7M2), a member of the Bastion fencing team, took 1st place in the foil competition at the “Blades of Far East” fencing championship for children born in 2005-2007.

One of the most important fencing events in Primorye during the autumn season, “Blades of the Far East,” which is held in Nakhodka, includes all three different kinds of fencing: epee, sabre and foil.

Timur has every intention of continuing to compete and is training for new competitions.

“We congratulate Timur and his teammates on their victory,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Fencing is a beautiful and exciting sport, and we wish them continued success in the future.”

ILS 7th grader best in age group at regional fencing tournament ILS 7th grader best in age group at regional fencing tournament

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