ILS 8th grader “In the center of events” at Ocean Children’s Center

ILS 8th grader Polina Guryanova (section 8M1) was a participant in the “In the center of events” rally of the Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement at Vladivostok’s Ocean All-Russian Children’s Center.

The rally’s main task was to increase awareness of the Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement’s activities, its development of leadership and social competence, realization of initiatives, and also to give participants an opportunity to share their experiences in all areas of the organization’s work.

“During the rally, we met interesting people, for example, Kirill Nechayev, Andrei Grizli and Sergei Ryazansky. Also, there was interesting work in the cinema, theater, and board-game modules,” Polina reports. “There were many master classes and trainings as well as educational games and presentations.”

Polina is a member of the ILS Student Council, serving as assistant director for ecology. Together with 9th grader Oh Yerin (section 9M2) from South Korea, Polina is working to advance the cause of environmental protection.

“Participation in Ocean rallies always gives positive results,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Training in civil activeness, development of leadership qualities, achieving modern information and media competence – these are only a small part of what the students receive.”

ILS 8th grader “In the center of events” at Ocean Children’s Center ILS 8th grader “In the center of events” at Ocean Children’s Center ILS 8th grader “In the center of events” at Ocean Children’s Center ILS 8th grader “In the center of events” at Ocean Children’s Center ILS 8th grader “In the center of events” at Ocean Children’s Center

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