Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer

Students in section 5M3 expanded their knowledge of the Russian lexicon, doing a creative task at an unusual lesson under the guidance of their Russian Language and Literature teacher, Galina Korotonozhkina.

“Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and paronyms open up new areas of linguistic expression,” notes Galina Korotonozhkina. “The 5th graders’ task was to choose a means of expression they like and talk about it after depicting it in a drawing.”

The students’ drawings were wonderfully varied, with each approaching the task in his or her own way. For example, Kristina Garbuz illustrated homonyms for the word ‘kosa’ (braid) as a conversation between a Russian girl and a foreign girl. According to Galina Korotonozhkina, Kristina was the first not simply to draw a picture but to illustrate her dialogue. The students’ pictures were diverse and interesting.

“Without a doubt, creative work helps students reinforce the material they are learning,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Lessons like these help them acquire public speaking skills, as they learn to express their ideas and are unafraid of thinking creatively.

Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer Lisichki – mushrooms or animals? ILS 5th graders know the answer

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