DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives

The co-founder and head of DNS (Digital Network System) paid a visit to ILS to meet with students in grades ten and eleven to discuss vital issues such as how to achieve success and what profession to choose. The students also learned about the development of DNS, which has become one of the largest players on the computer equipment market.

“Regarding DNS, the profession most in demand and most numerous at our company is computer programmer,” notes Dmitry Alekseev, whose company is listed by Forbes as one of Russia’s Top 200 private businesses. “You may be surprised to hear that our company, which has outlets in 700 Russian cities, has only five lawyers and not a single economist.”

According to Dmitry Alekseev, the key to entrepreneurship is successful implementation of your ideas, rather than trying to earn instant profit.

What does it mean to be successful? How is success measured in different professions? What qualities should an entrepreneur possess? What will cities be like in the future? These are just a few of the questions to which Dmitry and his audience tries to find answers.

Dmitry Alekseev explains: “I often meet with young people, and during one such meeting a participant said that success is when your opinions are taken seriously, and I agree with that. These days there are a great many opportunities for successful development, but it is important to understand that success does not come quickly. Success is long-term work for the future.”

Many of the participants were fascinated to discover that price formation at DNS is handled by artificial intellect.

“At our company the cost of a product is not determined by staff,” Dmitry continues. “For the past several years this has been done by computers. As for logistical operations, it is computers that determine which stores and warehouses need additional inventory.

Thanks to the session, ILS students who have decided to link their future to high technology were once again convinced that they are making the right decision.

“It is an honor for our school to have as our guest a man who, using his mind and his efforts, followed his dream and, together with like-minded colleagues, created one of Russia’s most successful companies,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “I hope that our students grasped the main principles for making a successful future and career.”

DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives DNS head Dmitry Alekseev: money is an instrument needed to improve people’s lives

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