Lawyer Ekaterina Butova talks with 10th graders about the subtleties of the legal profession

Ekaterina Butova, a professional lawyer, gave a lecture to ILS 10th graders studying in the school’s specialized legal class. She told them about her work, beginning with how she came to choose the legal profession, noting that becoming a successful lawyer is no easy task.

“My father is a lawyer, and even as a child I knew what I wanted as my profession when I grew up,” Ekaterina Butova explains. “However, my first job was related to finance, and a studied for a second degree in economics. Eventually, I understood that jurisprudence was more to my liking, so I shifted my focus in that direction.”

Ekaterina Butova stressed to the students the importance of professional excellence, as well as the need to constantly upgrade one’s knowledge and qualifications. The students listened to their guest with great interest and asked many questions. She also told the students what actions a lawyer performs over the course of a trial. 

“Jurisprudence is an extensive field, and the students in our specialized legal class need to come to grips with it,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “It takes a practicing professional to properly explain the particulars of any profession, and that is why we invite experts to meet with our students".

Lawyer Ekaterina Butova talks with 10th graders about the subtleties of the legal profession Lawyer Ekaterina Butova talks with 10th graders about the subtleties of the legal profession Lawyer Ekaterina Butova talks with 10th graders about the subtleties of the legal profession Lawyer Ekaterina Butova talks with 10th graders about the subtleties of the legal profession Lawyer Ekaterina Butova talks with 10th graders about the subtleties of the legal profession

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