ILS continues to improve its security systems

“Our school devotes particular attention to security,” explains ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Scheduled instruction and security system tests, along with evacuation training, are necessary to ensure the safety of students and staff.”

“The school’s video surveillance system was recently updated,” notes System Administrator Vyacheslav Yaglinsky. “We installed an additional ten cameras on the third, fourth and fifth floors.”

In addition to our 133 video surveillance cameras, ILS has an Access Control and Security System able to track all movements within the school and prevent unauthorized persons from entering school territory. Our fire alert ad extinguishing systems are also monitored on a regular basis.

ILS continues to improve its security systems

Международная лингвистическая школа
690106 Владивосток, Партизанский пр-т,44
тел. +7(423) 240-42-84? 240-42-83

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