ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics

First on the list in our high school students’ educational program was the Higher School of Economics, where they attended a math lesson and visited the training laboratory of computer-aided design and the laboratory of 3D visualization and computer graphics. Scientists told the students about the laboratories' work, showed them equipment, and demonstrated the systems operations.

“We were told that the main task of the laboratories is to teach students how to work with microcontroller and microprocessor devices, as well as to show how to develop them at the software and hardware levels,” says Mikhail Kozitsky, of section 9M1. “Teachers at the Higher School of Economics showed us the capabilities of various microcontrollers and microprocessors, including creating small robots and hands for anthropomorphic projects.

“This is a very useful educational session,” says ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “In addition to classes and excursions at the Higher School of Economics, the students will visit Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology along with MSTU Bauman, MISiS and MARCHI. The group leader, ILS mathematics teacher Irina Nikitenko, takes a very responsible approach to developing educational trip programs, paying equal attention each student and not simply dividing them into ‘humanities types’ and ‘techies.’ In her opinion, every child is able to understand mathematics regardless of individual predispositions.”

ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics ILS students take educational trip to Moscow to study physics and mathematics

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