ILS students learn about Chinese art

Peking opera masks and Chinese national painting were the names of the master classes that teachers from the Confucious Institute of Far Eastern Federal University held for ILS students learning Chinese.

 The children were told about the meaning of the masks and about how each mask is different from all the others. Students doing calligraphy felt like masters, when they learned the details of how the brush moves.

During Science Week, our students attended master classes as well as lectures,” notes ILS Principal Olga Shevchenko. “Peking opera masks and Chinese national painting let students go inside Chinese culture and learn about the traditions of Chinese art.”


ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art ILS students learn about Chinese art

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